22 December 2020

How to take care of IMB easily so that the selling value of the house is high

Real Estate Developer Indonesia  - Not a few already know how or how to take care of IMB but there are still many who are reluctant to do so. The reasons also vary and one of them is the hassle because it takes a lot of bureaucracy to get it. IMB itself is one of the legal products whose licensing is given by the Regional Head for those who have housing. Unfortunately, many people are reluctant to make IMB even though, to take care of IMB is very easy to do without having to use the services of brokers.

Do you currently want to create a comfortable and beautiful residence? If yes, then you must know how to make IMB for new buildings. Well, this article will discuss how to take care of IMB easily and correctly, aka without hassle.

Before knowing the procedure for taking care of IMB, it is better to know this legal product first. IMB is a Building Construction Permit that is regulated in Article 5 paragraph 1 of Local Regulation 7 Year 2009. Granted by the district or city government, IMB is mandatory because it creates a new building layout safely and according to land use.

So important is this letter that the IMB is also needed when you make a house sale and purchase transaction and show that the construction planning of building materials can be accounted for according to applicable interests. This means that if the owner of the house does not have an IMB letter, then it is certain that you will be fined up to 10% of the building value. In fact, the house can be demolished by authorized officers. Meanwhile, the building management intended by IMB includes residential houses, flats, office buildings, and houses for worship, such as prayer rooms.

Advantages of Building with IMB

There are many advantages offered if you build a house using an IMB. In essence, buildings accompanied by IMB are certain to have a high selling value, as well as getting an increase in land status, and obtaining bank credit guarantees. And last but not least, you can obtain information on road designations and plans. Hence, it is important to know how to take care of the IMB building right now.

Also read about The Importance of Knowing About Building Rights Certificates

IMB Procedure

There are several ways that can be done when taking care of IMB, including:

Copy of ID card

Copy of SPPT

Proof of payment of land and building tax for the current year

Copy of land ownership letter

Letter of authorization (if authorized)

Land ownership statement letter

On the other hand, if you have a simple residence with an area of only about 500 meters, you can take care of the IMB by visiting the sub-district office through the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) counter. Later, you only need to fill out a land measurement submission form, then an officer will come to your house one week later to measure and draw a house plan.

If the floor plan drawing has been completed, you will of course be given a blueprint for the IMB. The IMB application process will also be carried out with a period of up to 15 working days. Regarding the cost, the IMB is calculated based on the area of the house, which is IDR 2,500 per square meter.

Terms and Procedures for Processing IMB Via Online

If you don't have time to visit the sub-district, the procedure for applying for an IMB can now be done online through an integrated system between the Building Supervision and Control (P2B) office and the sub-district.

However, this method really depends on where you live. Usually, some big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya apply this system. However, for those who live outside these cities, you should search according to your city.

These are tips on how to take care of IMB easily without being complicated but having a big impact, especially for your residence.


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